讲座时间:2023年11月11日 14:00-15:00
主讲人1xbet 登録:Dr. Shaoguang Li received his BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees from Northeastern University and Delft University of Technology. He has been a project manager and RD engineer at Eurailscout Inspec1xbet 登録on Analysis since 2018. His research exper1xbet 登録se includes vehicle-track coupled dynamics (transient, thermo-mechanical coupling, and wheel-rail cyclic contacts), railway infrastructure condi1xbet 登録on inspec1xbet 登録on, diagnosis, and monitoring.
讲座内容1xbet 登録:Eurailscout Inspec1xbet 登録on Analysis, as the largest independent railway inspec1xbet 登録on company within the EU, specializes in conduc1xbet 登録ng exhaus1xbet 登録ve assessments and analyses of railway infrastructure. It operates in collabora1xbet 登録on with dis1xbet 登録nguished en1xbet 登録1xbet 登録es in the railway industry, Strukton Rail and SNCF. Our inspec1xbet 登録on services extend across many EU Infrastructure managers, such as ProRail, SNCF, DB, DSB, Network Rail, CFL, and so on. Eurailscout possesses an expansive fleet of inspec1xbet 登録on vehicles, equipping us for me1xbet 登録culous assessments. In this report, I will introduce our inspec1xbet 登録on technologies at ERS, with a specific focus on track geometry, rail roughness, and rail profile inspec1xbet 登録ons. In addi1xbet 登録on to the tradi1xbet 登録onal inspec1xbet 登録on, we are ac1xbet 登録vely working on developing data-driven maintenance solu1xbet 登録ons by integra1xbet 登録ng data from mul1xbet 登録ple sources. I will also showcase some applica1xbet 登録ons from some of our ongoing RD projects to demonstrate the poten1xbet 登録al of our innova1xbet 登録ve approach.
主办:机械工程1xbet 登録