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Zbet365 登録O Jbet365 登録g

Abet365 登録ociate Profbet365 登録sor

Email: jzbet365 登録o@swjtu.edu.cn

Offbet365 登録e: Rbet365 登録m ***, 2 Buildbet365 登録g, Jiuli Campus

Bbet365 登録

Educbet365 登録ion

bet365 登録D, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanbet365 登録al design and theory (2009)

bet365 登録S., Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g and automation (2003)

Employmebet365 登録

Academic Appobet365 登録tments

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chbet365 登録a (2012- present)

Lecturbet365 登録, School of Mechanical Engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chbet365 登録a (2010-2012)

Research bet365 登録terests

Surface and bet365 登録terface

Bionic manufacturbet365 登録g

Mechanbet365 登録al design and theory


Prbet365 登録cipal Publications of the Last Five Years

R. Y. Sun, N. K. Yu, J. Zbet365 登録o*, J. L. Mo, Y. J. Pan, D. B. Luo, Chembet365 登録ally stable

superhydrophobic polyurethane sponge coated with ZnO/epoxy resbet365 登録 coatbet365 登録g for

effective oil/watbet365 登録 separation, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g Aspects, 2021, 611.

R.Y. Sun, J. Zbet365 登録o*, Z. Li, Na Qbet365 登録 J.L. Mo, Y.J. Pbet365 登録 D.B. Luo, Robust superhydrophobic alumbet365 登録um alloy surfaces with anti-icbet365 登録g ability, thermostability, and mechanical durability, Progress bet365 登録 Organic Coatbet365 登録gs, 2020, 10, 147.

X.D. Lu, J. Zhao, J.L. Mo*, Y.K. Wu, J.W. Xu, Y.F. Zhang, Z.R. Zhou. Suppression of friction-bet365 登録duced stickslip behavior and improvement of tribological characteristics of slidbet365 登録g systems by bet365 登録troducbet365 登録g dampbet365 登録g materials. Tribology Transactions, 2020, 63:222-234.

R.Y. Sun, J. Zhao*, Z. Li, J.L. Mo, Y.J. Pan, D.B. Luo, Preparation of mechanically durable superhydrophobic alumbet365 登録um surface by sandblastbet365 登録g and chemical modification, Progress bet365 登録 Organic Coatbet365 登録gs, 2019, 133:77-84.

X. Zhabet365 登録 J. Zhao*, J.L. Mo, R.Y. Sun, Z. Li, Z.G. Guo, Fabrication of superhydrophobic alumbet365 登録um surface by droplet etchbet365 登録g and chemical modification, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g Aspects, 2019, 567:205-212.

Selecbet365 登録d Awards and Honors

Third prize of science and technology progress of Sichuan Provbet365 登録ce (rankbet365 登録g second) (2015)

TEACHbet365 登録G

Primary Teachbet365 登録g areas

Mechanbet365 登録al design and thebet365 登録y

Matbet365 登録ials science and Engbet365 登録eerbet365 登録g

Current Coursbet365 登録

Mechanbet365 登録al dbet365 登録ign

Fundamentbet365 登録s of mechanbet365 登録al dbet365 登録ign


I am available fbet365 登録 supbet365 登録vision. Ovbet365 登録 the past five years, I have supbet365 登録vised and graduated 9 M.As